Maaan, sometimes the summer shows up, sits down, feasts on your free time, and then poops out a bunch of half-baked ideas that you can't quite make anything out of. A month or two later you wake up and realize you haven't done anything of consequence, certainly nothing tangible, and you still haven't satisfied your need to experiment, learn and grow.
I probably come to this conclusion at least 4 times a year, but I really need to make a more daily effort of doing this bloggy stuff.
If there is one thing I have realized in my time away from school it is that as my sketchbooking has dwindled, I don't progress through ideas nearly as quickly or thoroughly as I'd like. I tend to be curious about something, explore it half-assedly, come back a week later with no new conclusions, and retread the same ground, getting just about as far as before, but barely any further, if at all.
These are my silly forays into science fiction from the past month.